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Visitors to B2B Exchange know that it helps to have the right features and a brand that will be there for you, but at the end of the day the price you pay for a steel building will be among the most important parts of the decision. That’s why we’ve assembled actual prices paid for steel buildings, straight from our users. Use these figures as a guide as you figure out what to pay during your negotiations.

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- 30'X50' two roll up garage doors, three skylights, one entrance door, fully insulated and all steel construction including steel 2"X4" frame. 12' ceilings. Red with white trim and grey roof. The total for everything including the foundation was less than $20,000.
- Buyer, Automotive, Pratville, AL
- I received a building layout, contract, terms and conditions, purchase order. I chose this building apples for apples compared to other buildings. This building and this quote were sufficient to my needs. Premier did an excellent job.$69,000.
- Purchasing Manager, Construction/General Contracting, Leavenworth, Kansas
- $213,664, includes Steel structure by Garco and 3" wall & 5" roof insulated Panels with 4 Overhead doors and 4 man doors. Includes all accessories and is FOB Fairbanks, Alaska.
- Consultant, Business Services, Fairbanks, Alaska
- $19,000 for a 30x50 metal building with insulation, a 10x10 roll door, 2 walk through doors, 4 skylights, 1 ridge vent, and 1 gable exhaust fan.
- CEO/President/Owner, Construction/General Contracting, Thibodaux, Lousiana
- $33,147 for a 50x100 steel pavillion with open sides, Ridge ventsx4, gutters and spouts, 3' overhang on all four sides, colored roof and trim.
- Buyer, Non-profit, Eads, Tennessee
- Price $7,400 25 x 30 x16 steel building w/o back panel, included 1 garage door opening 12 x 10 and one walk in door. 30 yr warranty
- Buyer, Business Services, Holly Springs, North Carolina
- $100,000 - 60x84 and 40x50 fully insulated w/liner ,concrete, 6 overhead doors, 1 large slider, all windows and walk in doors.
- CEO/President/Owner, Agriculture, Lisbon, North Dakota
- Complete turn key with bathroom heating and cooling concrete electrical insulation inside boxing for under $55,000.
- Buyer, Automotive, Fulton, Missouri
- $43000 for a 70 X 37 building with sliding doors.
- CEO/President/Owner, Aviation, Mayhill, New Mexico
- $21,000 80x40 bld with 2 14x14 roll up doors and 1 man door
- Buyer, Construction/General Contracting, Bushnell, Florida
- 30 X 40 X 10 Two overhead doors, one man door. Insulation in roof, and walls. $8,700 kit price Blitz building. Floor will cost me $400. Total $9,100 Delivered Free.
- CEO/President/Owner, Equipment Sales and Service, Calhoun, Kentucky
- We went with a contractor that could do both the foundation and build the building. to do both was $26,000.
- Buyer, Agriculture, Buffalo, Texas
- $102,000 complete erection including cement subcontractor self-insure completion of building.
- Buyer, Automotive, Williamsburg, Iowa
- 4000 sq ft steel building for $22,000, and $4,000 for 6" insulation.
- CEO/President/Owner, Retail, Lawrenceburg, Kentucky
- $26,000 for 60 x 80 with 2-14x10 framed openings.
- Buyer, Business Services, Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
- $4250 for metal building 20x24x9 insulated
- Buyer, Automotive, Booneville, Mississippi
Shop for
sThere are a variety of options for you to explore as you think about buying a steel building. Auctions, e-commerce and request for quote services all provide you a way to evaluate different models, talk to dealers and ultimately figure out what’s best for your steel building needs. Check out the links below for some of the best resources on the web when it comes to shopping for a steel building.
Comparison Sites
Straight Talk From
BuyersThe Internet has enabled the wisdom of the crowds like never before. B2B Exchange brings that wisdom straight to you by collecting the comments and questions of other steel building buyers as they tackle business purchasing head on. If you’re not sure what to be looking for in your next steel building, check out the most common thoughts, fears and ideas shared by your fellow business purchasers.
- The purpose of this building is for show pigs. We are looking for a building that is 20x30. We want a people door and a vehicle door. I am not sure on the height and width of the vehicle door. That is something we will need to discuss. We also want a concrete slab under the building. I don't know if you do that or if that is something we will have to take care of before construction begins. There are a lot more questions we will have when we decide who we are going to go with. Right now we are just browsing. The building is going to be a for sure sale. We have to have one within 3 months for the pigs. I don't know if that is an appropriate time frame. All we know right now is the size and general information about the building. Thank you very much.
- Purchasing Manager, Agriculture, Wasilla, Alaska
- The Building will be constructed over a packaged steel wastewater treatment plant. The roof will need to have an 8' x 8' Hatch on one side that can be opened for removal of equipment by a crane. The two end walls will need to be curtain type walls constructed around the treatment plant structure. The treatment plant structure will extend beyond the end walls. One end wall will have a 12' diameter steel cylinder protruding through the wall approximately 6" off the floor. The other end will have two vertical steel walls approximately 11' High x 12' wide with a circular steel roof measuring approximately 12'6" high at it's center protruding through the wall. The desired heating system will be radiant heat
- Buyer, Manufacturing, Aurora, Colorado
- The building will need to have area for two drive through bays with a clear opening of 12' and be suitable for extensive water use in the bay area as well as insulated and heated with a corayvac style gas heating system. The attached office area only needs to have a ceiling height of 9'. There needs to be two double door access areas from the office to the bay area. The exterior doors can be single width excluding the front main door which needs to be double. Approximately 6 windows are needed. We need the building erected. We will take care of the site work and interior finishing based on full prints and plans provided by the successful bidder.
- General Manager, Equipment Sales and Service, Omaha, Nebraska
- I am going to divide the building into thirds. One third will be living area and the other 2 thirds will be shop area with two roll up doors. I also want a 10 by 20 over hang to be used as a porch for the living area. I also have price quotes submitted with several of the local building supply stores. There quotes will be for wood frame buildings. The property I am buying is located directly on I55 at Sikeston Mo 63801. Thank You for your time.
- Buyer, Automotive, Sikeston, Missouri
- This building is to replace one damaged in a snow storm. The building is used for a small private school and will need to have egress windows. Also this building sits right up tight to another steel building used for a gym. snow loads and drift snow loads will need to be a factor in designing this new building. We also need to know if it is at all possible to get a quote on just the pieces that would be needed to repair the existing steel building. the insurance adjuster thinks that we can save about 10-20% of the old building.
- Purchasing Manager, Education, Dodge City, Kansas
- Our volunteer group would like to use this building for wildlife animal displays, workshops, and group tours. We have school groups, community groups, and the general public visiting the building. We will need restrooms, heat, not a lot of windows in the main part of the building, and an area for a gift shop. We have received a state grant to build a building and are looking at our options to get the most for the money we have received. We would like to have it efficient on energy use and low cost to maintain the building.
- Manager, Non-profit, Missoula, Montana
- This building is for a middle school gym and youth center. On one side of the building length we would need gutters and downspouts. We would need a canopy entrance (approx. 15' x 8') 12' high. Brick facade on one side - width 86'. Stucco on the other 3 sides (170 x 86'). I understand that the insulation would be vinyl on one side. Is it sturdy enough for a gym use? We would like 8 roof skylights. Looking for a contractor to lay prep land, lay foundation, install building - the whole works!
- General Manager, Education, Dallas, Texas
- We are expanding our warehouse operation and need to have a warehouse extension constructed. The addition is approximately 20,000 sq.ft., with 3 standard docks and 1 dockbay enclosed and recessed into the building. We are open to skylights for additional lighting. The new warehouse floor elevation needs to be 15" higher than existing warehouse floor elevation. We are looking for a clear ceiling height of 30 feet.
- Facilities/Operations Manager, Manufacturing, Nashville, Tennessee
- The purpose is for a retail shop. We want three doors.A double door in the front and a big window. We also want a door on one side and a door in the back but just for people to access. We would like windows in all sides of the building with doors and no windows on the side with no doors. We need the building to be open space with two bathrooms. One with two stalls and the other with two urinals and a stall.
- Purchasing Manager, Retail, Hayes, South Dakota
- This building will be used to house a poultry processing plant. The interior of this plant will have insulation panels around all walls and a drop ceiling from panels also. The live load needs to exceed the 20-lb per ft required in this area. The building will have to carry amonia,water,oil and Hyd. piping hung fron the main beams and Z gurts. Building should be free standing and have no columns.
- Partner/Principal, Manufacturing, El Paso, Texas
- The building will be at the SUNY Cobleskill campus and used for sheep and goat production. Up to 30 students will be in the barn for classes. The barn will house 30 goats and 40 sheep. We will need a 12'x12' office, a 12'x8'(approx)bathroom, and a 12'x 16' storage room. The rest of the building will be clear span with a cement floor. Thank you for your time
- CEO/President/Owner, Agriculture/Education, Cobleskill, New York
- I want a 2 story building approzimately 180,000 SF, that will house my education and ministry center consisting of: many Classroom, 3 computer lab rooms (30 people each) , a large multipurpse room (seating about 250 - full stage for performing arts), 15 offices, reception area, Industrial size kitchen, a large area to teach plumbing, carpentry, etc.
- General Manager, Non-profit, Birmingham, Alabama
s Advice
s Purchasing Overview
While steel buildings used to be almost exclusively used for industrial warehouses and garages, a range of finishes and facades has made steel construction a popular choice for many kinds of buildings, from retail stores to homes.
Because the steel panels and beams that make up most of the construction are pre-cut at a factory, steel buildings offer substantial savings in both time and money over traditional construction. They're excellent for large buildings such as arenas, hangars, and warehouses. With appropriate insulation, interior drywall, and exterior finishes like brick or stucco, steel buildings can meet almost any business or residential need.
Most businesses turn to a steel building for three key benefits:
- Construction is often cheaper than traditional construction thanks to reduced labor costs
- Manufacturers can complete steel buildings in two to three months, far less time than it takes to finish a standard building
- Steel buildings are incredibly durable. If well-maintained, a steel building can last 20 to 30 years or longer.
Keep a few things in mind when purchasing a metal building. The first is: How will you use it? You need to consider which features you need, what kind of doors and windows you require, which security measures you want, and how many people will work in the building. Second: Is your construction built to code? Metal buildings need to adhere to your state's building codes. This may include weather proofing measures, zooming laws, drainage requirements, and additional factors that ensure your building is legally constructed.
Regardless whether you need a hangar or a warehouse, make sure you meet with several reputable dealers before making a decision. Each should walk you through the construction process and offer solutions that fit your needs and budget. The dealer should also detail everything you get for your money in writing. While he should give you a solid idea of how long it will take, special features and add-ons could delay the due date.
Read more about Steel Buildings:
Other Steel Buildings terminology:
As you shop for a steel building, you may come across several different words and phrases that may not seem familiar. Among these terms:
- Steel buildings: (also called "metal buildings", "commercial steel buildings", "prefab metal buildings", "steel construction", "store building", "steel structure")
- Barn construction: Development of standard post and beam barns and stables for farming or breeding.
- Steel frame building: Different types of frames that support various needs. Clearspan frames don't require interior supports and provide plenty of open space. Modular frames use interior columns to evenly distribute the loads in large structures. Single slope frames feature different eave heights that slopes the roof from front to back for office and storage construction.
Points to consider
- What will your steel building be used for?
- What style of steel building are you interested in? (straight-wall or arch)
- If you're interested in a straight-wall building, what type of roof pitch will you need?
- What are the dimensions? (width, length, & height)
- Will you need insulation? If so, how thick?
- Will you need gutters and downspouts?
- Do you need an installer to erect the building?
- What is your estimated budget?